In our extremely jam-packed lives, it is easy to lose focus and track of time. Most of our days are spent indoors working and stressing, and we do not squeeze in time to release this tension. Spending time outdoors is an extremely effective way to help manage and relieve stress that builds up inside (literally) each day.

The great outdoors is known to recharge us. Being outside helps restore our attention and improve our mood which in turn will make us more productive in our work. Going outside boosts our serotonin, essentially our “happy” hormone and allows us to feel a sense of well-being. Enjoying the outdoors will help calm your sense and allow you to feel at peace. Relieve your stress and connect with nature with these fun outdoor activities.


The best thing about walking is that it can be done anywhere. Slower paced walkers or even those who like to go for a brisk jog will all benefit from getting their steps in. Take a moment on your walk to stop and take in the view-whatever it may be. These moments help bring you peace and tranquility.

Go for a Bike Ride

Biking is a fantastic way to destress and get outside. Whether you bike on a nature trail or around your neighborhood, being outside will allow you to reconnect and decompress while also engaging in a fun activity that keeps you fit.

Yoga or Stretching

Holding your favorite stretch or yoga pose will not only help relieve tension in tight muscles or joints but will also help relieve stress. Getting some fresh air while simultaneously elongating your muscles and joints and calming your mind- what could be better!


Swimming is a fabulous outdoor activity. Not only does the water take the strain off of your body, but also is known to improve your mood and reduce your stress levels. If weather permits, go for a dip, swim some laps or take a water aerobics class.

Image by Jess Loiterton from Pexels

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