Success Stories

Fit Professional: Radio Personality Storm Roberts

By January 7, 2015No Comments


Storm Roberts, 63, Gainesville, Florida, 98.5 KTK Morning Radio Personality, Entercom

How often do you exercise? Several times a week

Brief description of your workout routine: X-Force negative
resistance weight training

Brief description of your eating habits: 50% complex carbs (fruits
and veggies; the stuff your Mother tells you to eat), 25% protein and 25%

Favorite workout: X-Force

Least favorite way to workout? Interval sprints

How does fitness affect you as a professional? I have to get up early
and sometimes work late. My health is everything; I never get sick and
I attribute that to clean eating and exercise.

Would you be as good at what you do if you didn’t pursue fitness?
Getting up at 3:30 a.m. requires discipline and a healthy body. Exercise
is a very important part of my success.

How do you squeeze fitness in on a crazy busy day? I always put my
workout first by making an appointment with myself and carve out the
time when necessary.

How do you fight the urge to skip workouts? Just put my head down and
get the work done. I always feel better after I workout.

If you travel, what kind of workouts do you do on the road? Walking

Storm Roberts

Storm Roberts

What other obstacles do you face (health-wise) as part of your work?
Have you found a way to overcome them? I have high blood pressure and I
am a cancer survivor. My blood pressure is managed by my diet and
exercise. I beat the cancer with caring doctors and vigorous
exercise during my chemo and radiation treatments.

Does your company offer incentives for exercising or eating right? If
so, how do you take part? We have a lot of healthy people who
encourage each other to stay healthy; nothing formal.

Must-have training equipment: Just body weight and a clear mind

Favorite training tune: I don’t listen to music when I exercise; I
just concentrate on making the last rep to failure.

Favorite healthy food: I eat a lot of veggies that I prepare in a
variety of ways: curries, stir fries, Asian, Mexican, etc. I make very
flavorful, tasty dishes where the protein is a minor player.

Favorite not-so-healthy food: Dark chocolate

Greatest accomplishment in fitness/athletics: I was captain of the Nova High School wrestling team my junior and senior year. In the last two years, I lost 65 pounds of fat and gained 17.5 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks with the X-Force exercise program at Gainesville Health and Fitness.

Weirdest/funniest/craziest thing that you’ve ever experienced while exercising: I guess it’s a pet peeve, but people who go to fitness centers and leave looking like they haven’t worked out. When I leave, I’m drenched in sweat and wrung out. I’m a busy guy and don’t have time to dawdle.
When in the gym, put in the effort for results!

Do you think fitness is a factor in being successful in business? Why
or why not? Fitness is a big factor in my success. I stay busy early
to late, with a lot of charity events in between. To maintain my
schedule I have to take care of myself.

What fit professional inspires you? Joe Cirulli, Owner of Gainesville
Health and Fitness Centers

Advice for others trying to become more fit: Start now, ease into it
and make it part of your routine. My cancer doctor, Dr. Cherylle
Hayes, told me, “Be the CEO of your own health.” You are in charge of
your body and you need to take care of what you’ve got!

Best piece of business advice you’ve ever received: The harder I
work, the luckier I get.


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