Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

Fitzness Fiend Stacy Sisemore

By October 26, 2024January 14th, 2025No Comments
What inspired you to become a Fitzness Ambassador?
Knowing that Fitzness is about uplifting, positivity, encouragement, and accountability. Being part of such a fantastic group of people is a privilege. 
How did you first discover Fitzness, and what has been your journey so far?
I discovered Fitz back in 2021, maybe. I was running the Route 66 half marathon, and Fitz and Rudy were the announcers for the race. We ran the shakeout run on Saturday, and I had the honor of meeting them both afterward. I actually PR’d that race, and she met me with a hug at the finish line. I knew from that moment on that I wanted to be in her circle. She is such a fantastic individual that to know her is to love her. 
What are your favorite forms of exercise?
I enjoy running, but I just discovered boot camp this summer. A local gym offers bungee, all-body, kickboxing, step, hip hop, and boot camp. I have only participated in the boot camp and will sign up again in the fall. I use the stairs at work multiple times a day, too!
How do you stay motivated in your fitness journey?
My motivation is mental health. Exercise, to me, is the equivalent of therapy. It gives me the “me” time to reflect upon my day, week,  a conversation, or anything on my mind. It is so important to carve out some time for yourself. As moms, taking time for ourselves without feeling guilty is hard, but it is the one thing we need and deserve. We can keep giving of ourselves to everything and everyone, but if we don’t prioritize ourselves, who will?  We lead by example, and I want my girls to know that it is okay to make time for themselves and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. 
Have you used the Exact Formula for Weight Loss? 
I have used the Exact Formula for weight loss, and once I got into the hang of keeping track of my calorie intake, it worked! The hardest part was entering everything I ate, even if it was five Cheeze-it’s. I lost 25 pounds using this method.  I am starting back on this again as I want to lose 15 lbs. I completely fell off the wagon two years ago and ate whatever I wanted. I now look at myself and know it isn’t the healthiest version of me, and my family deserves that, and so do I. So let’s do this together! It doesn’t matter if it’s five pounds or 200; it’s all a matter of taking that first step. You and I can do this together, along with the whole Fitzness Team!!
What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting their fitness journey?
The hardest part of starting a healthy journey is the first step. I know for me I have always thought tomorrow is the day, and then that day would come and go and I would repeat myself. It isn’t easy, but it also isn’t impossible. It’s all about doing this for yourself and not for anyone else. I am the only one in control of what I eat and the exercise that I do. If I fail, it is my fault. There isn’t anyone else to blame. It’s about accountability and self-discipline. Am I going to slip up? 100%. But that’s okay because tomorrow is a new day, and I will pull myself back up and start again. That is what is great about this group. We are so encouraging and the biggest cheerleaders for everyone!!
What are your personal fitness goals for the next year?
My fitness goal is to lose at least 15 pounds and start training to run two marathons in 2025. 
How do you plan to inspire others in the Fitzness community?
I know everyone has overcome obstacles in their lives, and that is what I am working on in myself. I think by sharing our stories, there could be someone out there who can relate and see that, yes, it is possible to jump over that hurdle and come out better on the other side. I will share some pictures of my heaviest to my smallest and where I am now. It is a journey and not a sprint. 
Favorite healthy food:
My favorite health food is grilled chicken and quinoa with sautéed fresh veggies to mix in. 
Favorite unhealthy food: 
A weakness of mine is chips and salsa. I struggle when they bring that out!
Favorite song to workout to:
When I run, I can’t listen to music. I know it is weird, but it really annoys me. However, when I am working out and can just turn it up without earphones, I love some good 80s/90s music.
What fitness accomplishment are you most proud of?
My biggest fitness accomplishment is running a marathon and losing 50 pounds. When I crossed that finish line, it was the biggest adrenaline rush I have ever had. I can not even explain the feeling of knowing that one year earlier, I had just started inching toward a 5k. 
Follow Stacy!

Stacy has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. It's been fun to see the fitness lightbulb go off in her head and I'm excited to see her run two marathons in 2025. I adore the pics of us hugging at her first marathon finish line. How lucky am I? ❤️🎤 Fitz

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