What inspired you to become a Fitzness Ambassador?
Fitz!! I love what Fitz represents, and I love how real she is. She makes being healthy, losing weight, and taking care of yourself very doable overall. Fitz also takes a personal interest in people who reach out to her. She isn’t just a face on social media or a voice on a podcast—she’s a friend, a supporter, an encourager—she’s REAL!
How did you first discover Fitzness, and what has been your journey so far?
Oh gosh—I first heard her on a podcast several years ago. We met in person in 2017 at the Walt Disney World 5k. Since then, I started listening to her podcast, scored several finish-line hugs from her, and even had her reach out to me with a phone call one time when I was really down on myself.
What are your favorite forms of exercise?
Running and strength training. I really enjoy spin classes, but I haven’t had the opportunity to do them for quite a while.
How do you stay motivated in your fitness journey? I definitely need a “carrot” out there to keep me motivated—and not the kind you eat. It helps to have races on my calendar—something to look forward to and train for. Being an ambassador for Fitz also helps hold me accountable—I love encouraging others, and I have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
Have you used the Exact Formula for Weight Loss?
Share your experience with it. I haven’t used it lately, but I have used it in the past. I really get hung up on tracking the food I eat.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting their fitness journey?
Small steps make huge differences. Start with what is easily within your reach—don’t try to do it all at once.
What are your personal fitness goals for the next year?
I want to lose about 30 pounds. I’m post-menopausal and entering the world of learning to stay healthy at this stage. I have a menopause belly, and I am pretty confident I’m dealing with inflammation. I’d like to get those things under control so I can feel healthy again. I continue to run and have races on the calendar. I want to improve my speed and endurance—they’ve gone downhill a bit over the past year or so.
How do you plan to inspire others in the Fitzness community?
I hope I can share stories that will encourage others. I don’t want to just say, “You can do it!” I want to share my stories with people so they see that things can be done. Again, I want to be more than just words—I want to be about actions.
Favorite healthy food:
Favorite unhealthy food:
Favorite song to workout to:
I honestly don’t have a favorite. I listen to podcasts when I run. There was a time when the Rent soundtrack provided some good workout inspiration. LOL
What fitness accomplishment are you most proud of? Completing the Athens Marathon last November.
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