What inspired you to become a Fitzness Ambassador?
Fitz has such an amazing outlook on life. Even throughout the most difficult challenges, she has remained positive, and it is infectious. Why would I not want to be a part of this and help spread the word about her and her amazing Fitzness community?!
How did you first discover Fitzness, and what has been your journey so far?
How did you first discover Fitzness, and what has been your journey so far?
I first heard about Fitzness through my Facebook running group, Boston Buddies, back in 2021. Fitz and I connected at a race that Team Noisy was announcing, and the rest is history. She has been a huge advocate of mine and an encourager to keep achieving hard goals. The future’s so bright with Fitz in my corner!
What are your favorite forms of exercise?
What are your favorite forms of exercise?
How do you stay motivated in your fitness journey?
How do you stay motivated in your fitness journey?
Looking back at my fitness journey, I see how far I have come. At the beginning of 2018, I weighed 223 lbs. On the days I don’t have the motivation to keep going, I remember how far I have come and how hard I have fought to get to where I am now.
Have you used the Exact Formula for Weight Loss?
I haven’t used the Exact Formula for weight loss. I used MyFitnessPal when I was initially losing weight. I did not know about the Exact Formula for Weight Loss when I was trying to lose weight, or I would have definitely implemented this into practice.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting their fitness journey?
Don’t give up, even when getting to the next step seems impossible. Keep moving forward. There is so much strength in your grit, so much resilience when you break through the hard and see how far you have come. It is easy to give up. It is hard to keep going. Set realistic goals and just-out-of-reach goals and crush them both. Keep a journal of things you hope to accomplish and check them off individually. You will amaze yourself with what you are capable of.
What are your personal fitness goals for the next year?
Crush current personal records and go further outside of my comfort zone.
How do you plan to inspire others in the Fitzness community?
How do you plan to inspire others in the Fitzness community?
I am trying to be the best version of myself and also being transparent. I have hard days and bad days, just like everyone else. There are days that I absolutely do not want to get out of bed and run or work out, but I choose to do it because I know how much better it will make me feel once I accomplish that workout for the day.
Favorite healthy food:
Black bean patty with buffalo sauce, guacamole, and a plain baked potato
Favorite unhealthy food:
Crunchy Cheetos or buttercream icing (just the icing and a spoon….YUM)
Favorite song to workout to:
“Fear Is Not My Future” by Maverick City Music featuring Brandon Lake and Chandler Moore
What fitness accomplishment are you most proud of?
I finished my first marathon in 2021. My son believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I had to choose to find the courage and strength to do hard things. I wanted to prove him right—that I could do it. Not only could I do hard things, but so could he. The sky’s the limit!
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