Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

Fitzness Fiend Jennifer Riaz

By October 26, 2024January 14th, 2025No Comments
What inspired you to become a Fitzness Ambassador?
To help spread awareness for all the many tools Fitzness offers that genuinely changes lives for the better, mine included. I went to college for Psychology and spent my career teaching so I have an innate passion for helping and educating others. 
How did you first discover Fitzness, and what has been your journey so far?
I’ve known Fitz since we were ten and lost touch after high school. Thankfully, we reconnected a few months ago. I’ve been following her on social media for years, and due to some major health issues, I was practically bedridden and overweight as a result for years. I had no hope. Until Fitz came back into my life several months ago, she mentioned that one of her books, “Your Healthy Cancer Comeback,” demonstrated exercises I could do from a bed or chair. So, I bought the book and was enthralled from the first page. I decided to stop living in bed and become more active in general. I quickly transformed, gaining strength and confidence, doing more than I had for years, and I am already down 40 pounds. My friends and family are astonished at my progress, and I hope to inspire others and teach them about Fitzness. The more people we can reach, the better. 
What are your favorite forms of exercise?
My favorite exercise is swimming due to my limitations. But I aspire to work up to walking, running, and using the elliptical machine again like I did in the past. 
How do you stay motivated in your fitness journey?
I stay motivated by frequently listening to The Fitzness Show, both recent and older podcasts. It also helps to be active in the Facebook Hottie Body Fitzness Challenge group. The best motivation of all is looking better and being able to do so much more than I could even a month ago. My progress is motivating, as is sharing my journey on social media. 
Have you used the Exact Formula for Weight Loss? 
Yes, I use the Formula. I also use the My Fitness Pal app to log everything I eat. Today, I bought a food scale to help my entries be more accurate. So far, I’ve lost 40 pounds, but it honestly looks like more. 
What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting their fitness journey?
Use all the tools available, such as MyFitnessPal,, her podcasts, books, and her Facebook group. 
What are your personal fitness goals for the next year?
I want to lose 60 pounds and significantly increase my walking and standing time. Two months ago, walking or standing for even four minutes was hard. Now it’s ten! 
How do you plan to inspire others in the Fitzness community?
I plan to inspire others in the Fitzness community by encouraging people to read her books and listen to her podcasts regularly. I also plan on sharing quotes from her books that I find motivating and inspiring. Additionally, I would love to share details of my journey. I was bedridden and only got out of bed to go to the bathroom or kitchen if I could. There were days I couldn’t even do that. So Fitzness has changed my life beyond my wildest dreams, and I think my story will inspire others. 
Favorite healthy food:
Grilled fresh tuna with sautéed fresh spinach, garlic, and mushrooms. 
Favorite unhealthy food: 
Walkers Shortbread Cookies
Favorite song to workout to:
“Honey” by Moby
What fitness accomplishment are you most proud of?
I became a PADI certified Scuba Diver when I was 14 years old and spent much of my teenage years and my 20’s scuba diving. 
Follow Jennifer!

Connecting with my childhood friend, Jennifer, has been such a blessing. Not only do I love having her in my life, but it's been so rewarding to watch her lose so much weight using the Formula and regain mobility with the simple exercises I've recommended. Her quality of life is coming back and she is so joyful about it. Means everything to me! ❤️🎤 Fitz

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