Photo Credit: backonpointe.tumblr.com
Achieving your fitness goals can be easier than ever with your own wall full of fitness inspiration! Think about it…every day you wake up and are in the same environment. Why not use that space to your advantage and force your room to remind you of your exercise goals? Decorate your surroundings with exercise and fitness furnishings to keep you motivated and focused every single day.
Not sure what to put up in order so spark some motivation? Start by Googling famous quotes and sayings that mean something to you. Write these on colorful pieces of paper and tape them to the wall. Next, post a calendar up on the wall to keep track of the days and workouts you will complete. Set a goal on the calendar to work towards and check your days off as you get closer. Another idea to add to the wall is a piece of clothing you plan to fit into or a revealing outfit that you will look great in after you complete your workouts. I hung a bathing suit that reminds me to work hard for a better bikini body.
Other creative ideas to add could be pictures of your friends exercising, completing runs and races, or your “before” body shot. Cut out magazine clippings with your favorite athletes and encouraging articles. Pin up recipes and healthy food options to keep your nutrition in check as well.
Overall, make sure your wall speaks to you! Don’t let the space around you sit blank and boring. Pump up your walls with inspiration, motivation, and enthusiasm to surround yourself with positivity and help you reach for you fitness goals.