ID-10050847In all honesty, kids aren’t the only ones bad about eating their  vegetables – busy grown ups can often be the biggest offenders. In a survey review done by a Johns Hopkins’ physician,  only 11% of American adults were getting the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. If you fall in to the 89%, try a  few of these easy ways to get yourself more of the good stuff daily.

One simple way is to always keep frozen vegetables in the freezer. This gives you the option for nearly every meal to add an extra handful or two and up your veggie intake. Nearly any soup, pasta or rice dish, or casserole can take some extra and work perfectly. If you’re not a huge fan of the veggie taste or texture, shred them up and sneak them in to sauces, casseroles or lasagna. They’ll go  virtually undetected.

If you’re a smoothie lover, don’t let fruit get all the glory! Toss some spinach or kale in the blender. You’ll barely taste any difference but you’ll have brought your smoothie’s nutrients up to the next level.

There are store bought options for dehydrated veggies but you can DIY too. Slice the veggies and either putting them in a dehydrator if you have one, or use an alternative dehydration method Once they are fully dry and pretty hard or crispy, they make an awesome snack option. They also give that satisfying crunch often desired when munching.

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