What better way to start off a New Years resolution of pursuing health than giving out gifts that promote fitness? ! Whether your gift receiver is already a fitness fanatic, or someone you’re hoping to inspire .. these choices never fail:
- Gym memberships are luxuries! By treating your pal to an entire year of gym use, she’ll have fewer excuses not to exercise. Price range: $65 – $2,00 per year
- New sneakers
are something everyone could use. You’ll probably spend between $50-$120.
- Gym bags
are always a necessity in the workout department. Having a stylish bag to carry exercise clothes in is often half the battle of getting to the gym.
- Water bottles
may seem like a small idea, but they make a really a great gift! They’re a one size fits all treat.
- Cool new earbuds
are cool because music is a BIG part of most workouts. Noise Canceling Headphones
are a neat option as well. - Heart Rate Monitors
make sense for folks striving to get their heart rate up or make ensure it stays down.
**Have any other fitness gifts that you are looking to get this Christmas? Let us know!