One of the biggest challenges college students encounter is managing their mental health. It’s the perfect time to research and discover new things, but it can often be difficult to study, possibly work, and be social while caring for physical and mental health. It’s a lot to juggle for young adults frequently testing out independence for the first time. 


Self-care Is essential when It comes to practicing good mental health. This means taking care of your mind, body, and soul. Make sure you are practicing healthy behaviors. You can also practice self-care by doing the things In life you enjoy and perhaps take away your stress. This could be meditation, listening to music, watching your favorite show, or working out! (CDC, 2021). Exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep can also help reduce stress and prevent burnout (Mental Health First Aid, 2022).  

Talk It Out  

Establishing and maintaining supportive relationships is an effective approach for college students to enhance their mental health. Talking things out with someone, whether It be a therapist or a friend, can help relieve stress. Finding folks who share similar interests or experiences can create a sense of belonging and encouragement. Additionally, seeking counseling services through campus or community resources is wise if your stress advances beyond a peer’s ability to provide relief.  Goud, 2023). Most colleges provide resources for students to access assistance and support during tough times.  



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, April 25). Coping with stress. Centers for  

Disease Control and Prevention.  


Mental Health First Aid. (2022, August 15). Seven self-care tips for college students.  


Stabler, C. M. (2021, September 3). Prioritizing Your Physical and Mental Health: College  



Goud, T. (2023, April 13). “Prioritizing mental health: Tips for college students to manage stress  

and thrive.” 


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