Photo Credit: simply southern blog spot
Sharing food and goodies with one another is an easy way to show affection, sympathy, or friendship. Baking up a batch of healthy treats or bringing over a vegetable casserole can really change a person’s day for the better. Tracking down your best dishes and plates can be a hassle though. Not to mention, the last thing on someone’s mind during a tough time. Why not try this fun and creative way to jazz up a disposable paper plates or containers so you won’t have to track down your friends for your grandmother’s good platter.
You Will Need:
Paper Plate of any color or size (the Dixie or plastic plates look best, but can be harder to work with)
Single Hole Punch
Ribbon of your choice
Using your single hole punch, start punching holes around the edges of the plate. Position each hole about 1 inch apart from the next, until you have gone all the way around the outside of the plate.

Photo Credit: simply southern blog spot
Take your ribbon and begin weaving it in and out of the punched holes. Choosing from two different designs, you can weave your ribbon in and out of the holes, never touching the edge of the plate, as shown below. Or, you can weave the ribbon around the edges of the plate and design the dish to show the ribbons on the edge.

Photo Credit: simply southern blog spot
When you have reached the final hole, tie the ends together in a bow to create a finished and elegant look.
That’s it! Super simple and completely personalized. Use holiday ribbons to create a festive plate, or choose the person’s favorite color to show you truly care. Don’t stop at just plates either. With the paper product lines out, you can decorate bowls, cups, and even the aluminum trays that go in the oven. If you choose to decorate the aluminum trays though, be sure you cook the food in the tray first, let it cool, and then punch the holes and string the ribbon on after it has been in the oven.
Your loved ones will absolutely adore the fact that you took the time to add a personal touch and make their treat trays feel special.