Make-up: The essentials to every girl’s life. Discovering new forms of applying make-up makes experimenting new products much more exciting. The hot topic for today is DIY eyeliner. You may think that making your own eyeliner sounds difficult when in fact, all it takes is one simple ingredient: charcoal. A charcoal capsule can be found at any nearby pharmacy or health food store. The steps are as follows:

1. Grab a capsule of activated charcoal and dump out the contents on a clean surface. Mixing it up in a dish works best to minimize any mess.

2. Moisten the tip of a make-up brush with water.

3. Dip the make-up brush into the activated charcoal.

4. Sweep it on like you would any other eyeliner!

It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Next time you wanna save some money, load up on charcoal and spend the day making some old-fashioned eyeliner.

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