Getting fit and achieving your ideal weight  is no easy feat, but it’s certainly doable for all of those who are willing to learn the proper way to do things and utilize the discipline to make progress. Utilize the Exact Formula for Weight Loss to learn how to eat the right amounts of the right foods for the size you’d like to be. But then take a closer look at your workouts and place a priority on strength training. It truly is a game changer. 

Why Strength Train?

Strength training is synonymous with the Fountain of Youth. Physical strength, firm hard muscles, strong bones, athletic curves, resistance to injury and resilience for life can all be attributed to this practice and it’s something every single human on earth should pursue. Truth is, if you’re not working to get stronger, you’re likely getting weaker and there is simply zero benefit to that. Strength training also increases your resting metabolic rate (RMR), the rate at which your body burns calories while at rest. You can search for “Gyms Near Me” if you’d like a variety of training options but don’t want to load your house up with equipment.

Start with these workouts that target major muscle groups.

1. Push-ups.

One of the most popular exercises in the world for a reason. They require no equipment and can be done anywhere. Push-ups target your chest, back, deltoids, biceps, triceps and your entire core!

2. Bridges

This exercise targets the low back, glutes, as well as the hamstrings. Lie face up on the ground with knees bent and feet planted firmly on the floor. Lift your hips to the sky making your body into a straight line between yours shoulders and knees. Anyone with a back (everyone) should be doing these to reduce the chance of back pain. 

3. Rows

Any lifting or pulling you do throughout the day requires your back muscles, so they should be strong. You can do rowing exercises using all sorts of equipment and it will save you aches, pains and injuries galore. Try rowing – think lawnmower pull – with dumbbells, resistance bands, kettle bells, cables and more.

4. Planks

Planks are as simple stupid as it gets, yet they yield so much benefit! You literally just hold your body up in the top of a push-up position with your arms locked straight or elbows bent … and just stay there as long as you can. Sure you can add variety to this move, but in its most simplistic form you’ll benefit your arms, shoulder, abs, low back, glutes and hip flexors.

5. Burpees

This widely loved/hated exercise often serves as a  whole body workout. From a standing position, you’ll drop down for a full push-up and then leap high into the air when you’re done. And then you’ll do it again. And again. And again until you’re cursing. It’s tough, but a fantastic way to target 80% of your body while building a bit of endurance too. 

Strength training isn’t just for bodybuilders and it isn’t just for men. Every body should consider physical strength a top priority as it truly leads to improved quality of life.


Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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