FitnessSuccess StoriesSurvivor Spotlight Kelly Ryan’s Healthy Cancer Comeback Before March 2020, Kelly Ryan lived a very healthy life. She was a Practice Manager…Jeremy TaylorJune 28, 2023
Breast CancerFitnessHealthSuccess StoriesSurvivor Spotlight Kathie Bieritz’ Healthy Breast Cancer Comeback The determination to “continue to move as long as I can” is the mindset that…Jeremy TaylorJune 28, 2023
Success StoriesSurvivor SpotlightYour Healthy Cancer Comeback Phil Shin’s Healthy Cancer Comeback Phil Shin was no different than every other fitness-crazed 40-something. As an IT Solutions Architect…Jeremy TaylorMarch 21, 2023
Success StoriesYour Healthy Cancer Comeback Victoria Mikko’s Healthy Cancer Comeback Fitz and Vikki at a race in Detroit As a Medical Assistant residing in Holt,…Jeremy TaylorMarch 12, 2023
FitnessHealthSuccess StoriesSurvivor SpotlightYour Healthy Cancer Comeback Phil Decker’s Healthy Cancer Comeback For Phil Decker, 46, from Robins, Iowa, fitness was a central focus of his life.…Jeremy TaylorMarch 10, 2023
Success StoriesThe Fitzness Show Podcast How Jonelle Cooper Lost 120 Pounds: The Fitzness Show On the latest episode of The Fitzness Show, Jonelle Cooper shares her inspiring journey of…Garrett GerardJuly 14, 2022
Success Stories Christopher Johnson: HOW I LOST 96 POUNDS 45, Structural Engineer/Writer, Long Beach, CA How much weight have you lost? 96 pounds Tell…Chase HastingsJuly 25, 2017
Achieving Ultimate FitznessSuccess Stories Ross Jones: How I Lost 160 Pounds 63, Sales, Essexville, Michigan The old Ross. How much weight have you lost? 160 pounds What was…Chase HastingsJuly 12, 2017
Success Stories Heather Nieman: How I Lost 70 Pounds Heather Nieman, 33, Stay-at-Home Mom, Orlando, Florida How much weight have you lost? 70…Chase HastingsMay 30, 2017
HealthRacey RunnersSuccess StoriesWeight Loss Richard Green: How I Lost 154 Pounds Richard Green, 48, Attorney, Huntington Beach, California How much weight have you lost? 154 pounds Tell…Fitz KoehlerNovember 2, 2016