CelebrityEventsVideos Fitz Interviews Boston Marathon Race Director Dave McGillivray Interview Fitz Koehler Hosts the Inaugural Wasdin Speaker Series with Dave McGillivray Fitz Koehler, a…Fitz KoehlerJanuary 29, 2021
Events Spartan 5K in Jacksonville, Florida was a HUGE Success! https://youtu.be/6myn0Ww8oC4 Cancer Schmancer. I finished chemo on May 11th, 2020, and on June 12, 2020,…Fitz KoehlerJune 24, 2020
EventsFitness Gods of Racing (Race Directors) Convene at WDW Marathon Running and racing is big business. I'd venture to say it's the most popular sport…Fitz KoehlerJanuary 12, 2016
BeautyEventsFashion & BeautyFunny FitznessUncategorized Which runDisney Princess Are You? As you may already know, one of the most popular marathon weekends is approaching: the…Nicole MalleyFebruary 2, 2015
Events Super Bowl Party Plans The Super Bowl is only days away. Every football fan is searching for parties to…David HardingJanuary 29, 2015
EventsFit Food and RecipesVideos What Food Would You Make Sinless? Runner Interviews from runDisney’s Tower of Terror Weekend (more…)Fitz KoehlerOctober 8, 2014
EventsGiveawaysVideos Hilarious Runner Interviews at the Disneyland 10K and a Great Giveaway I spent time interviewing finishers after runDisney's Disneyland 10K, which is part of the 2014…Fitz KoehlerSeptember 3, 2014
EventsFamily Fitzness Sunning and Running at the OC Marathon Weekend Photo credit: David Klukken Looking for a destination race or planning a vacation based on…Fitz KoehlerMay 13, 2014
Events Crossfitters Planning to Take Over Disney for a 3-Day Competition Photo Credit: Dynasty Crossfit Muscle-ups, box jumps and kettle bell swings, oh my! If you're…Fitz KoehlerMarch 6, 2014
Events runDisney Wine and Dine Half Marathon Weekend Debuting Exciting New Medal runDisney makes the kind of medals Olympians drool over, so this one should be great!…Fitz KoehlerMarch 5, 2014