Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

Can Pole Dancing Help You Boost Your Confidence

By October 19, 2019No Comments

Pole dancing is one of those perfect combinations between fitness and dancing, which can make your workout seem like a whole lot of fun. It’s interesting how many people won’t give it a try because of it’s association to the striptease, but I assure you there are fitness studios around the world hosting thousands of people for really fun, challenging pole fitness classes in which everyone keeps their clothes on. While it takes time to master the techniques, you’ll be able to do a few moves that will make you feel like a superstar from the first class. But that’s just one of the reasons why pole dancing helps boost your self-confidence.


While pole dancing might not indicate that only fit people can take part, you do exert a whole lot of energy by working your arms and abs, mainly making it an excellent upper body workout. Highlighting the importance of an empowering fitness experience, the instructors at Miss Fit Fitness explain that you don’t need to be in perfect shape to attend a pole dancing class, but there are different levels that will work with each individual’s abilities. They say that after a few sessions, a noticeable change in your arms will be evident, and with consistency, your abs will also start to take on the transformation effects, making your fitness levels increase and working your way up the ladder. Feeling more muscles in your arms and abs automatically makes you feel stronger, boosting your overall self-confidence. 


When learning to pole dance, there’s a huge part of it that depends on attitude as well as technique. You can’t be slouchy or hide behind others, as the pole itself makes each individual on it the center of attention. When you’re on a pole, the spotlight is on you! Having to keep your back straight while flowing through the steps in a certain manner makes you stand tall, full of confidence. 


One of the reasons why pole dancing can really help with self-confidence is that it forces you to get out of your comfort zone. Pole dancing can be initially intimidating as most people are afraid to even try it. That might be out of the fear of not having enough strength or balance to be able to do the moves, or even as a result of the attire needed to be worn for pole dancing, making many people feel uncomfortable. Or maybe it’s the fact that it’s nothing like you’ve ever done before. 

Because of these fears, pole dancing gives you the opportunity to overcome these challenges one step at a time, and start to feel more confident about the things you thought you’d never be able to do. The more challenging it is in your head, the more confidence you’ll gain every time you take a step out of the boundaries you’re used to and acknowledge the fact that it wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be. 


As mentioned above, pole dancing requires a certain attire to be worn. Due to the fact that the technique relies on the friction your skin provides when touching the pole, it is not recommended to wear long pants. And so, for many people, showing off parts of the body that they do not feel comfortable with, will help them start accepting their overall appearance and appreciate what their bodies can do. The more you practice, the more you start feeling comfortable in your own skin. Once you start seeing the changes and strong your body is becoming, you’ll feel even happier with yourself. 


Seeing professional pole dancers make their magic makes anyone feel like it’s impossible to be able to follow in their footsteps. While it takes time and consistency to reach that level, the achievements you’ll get out of each class you attend will make you feel like you’ve accomplished a great deal. Consistency is key and the more classes you attend, the better your technique will be. As well, more practice equals more strength and ability to perform moves you didn’t think your body would ever be able to accomplish. 

That feeling of achievement and progress you get class after class will help you understand that you can accomplish anything in life with enough dedication, persistence, and effort. All you have to do is be ready to be committed, and the rest comes with time and practice. That sense of achieving the things you thought were impossible will give you a new perspective, not only towards yourself, your body and your strength, but also towards life. 

While many people have the misconception that only strippers participate, it’s really become far more of a main stream workout for regular people. There’s truly nothing lewd or lacivious involved with taking part. It’s just a wonderful derparture from the norm that almost anyone can do in one form or another. Just remember, it’s all about baby steps; you’ll be honing your skills one step at a time in order to reach the outcome you desire. 

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