Photo Credit: Zirconicusso
We all know how delicious and nutritious fruits are for us, but have you been underestimating the power of berries? Each berry looks and tastes different, but contributes to a healthy diet in a similar way. These little sweet treats are packed with antioxidants that are known to help prevent a wide range of diseases. In fact, according to a study done by PLoS Medicine, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, including berries, can improve heart health and reduce the risk of having a heart attack.
While the risks of physical diseases are often decreased by berry consumption, mental diseases have also been proven to decrease by eating these fruits, specifically Alzheimer’s and memory loss. According to a research study published by Annals of Neurology, women who ate one serving of blueberries or two servings of strawberries a week experienced less mental decline compared to that of their peers who did not consume berries. So in order to reduce your risk of these devastating diseases, we have comprised a berry blast smoothie recipe to pump you full of these antioxidant rich fruits!
1 cup of (Tropicana Pure Premium) orange juice
½ cup of chopped fresh strawberries
¼ cup of fresh blueberries
½ cup of fresh blackberries
½ cup of fresh raspberries
½ cup of low-fat vanilla yogurt
Teaspoon of Honey (optional)
Sprig of Mint (optional)
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until it reaches a thick liquid, or the consistency of a smoothie/milkshake. Pour into glass and garnish with mint.
This smoothie will help you stay full and feel satisfied because the berries are packed with fiber and liquid content. This refreshing snack or breakfast drink is a great way to get your body the nutrients it needs!