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Not everyone wants to lose weight. For some, getting bigger is the goal – although ideally via muscle-building and not fat.

Earning sizey muscles is popular among men, although is gaining some interest from women too. Especially the CrossFit crowd.  Building bigger muscles will certainly require a drastic effort with strength training, however, to grow in any sort of size, you’ll have to start increasing your caloric intake as well. Growing bigger is growing bigger, whether you’re adding muscle or fat. Ideally, you’ll focus on consuming more healthy yet strategic calories via lean protein sources (real foods – not powders, pills and shakes) and even some extra produce. 

For some people, the process will take a long time,  while others may get more instant results. The key is to not give in. Here are some the most effective methods for building much bigger muscles than you already have.

Strengthening the core

Your core muscles are arguably the most important in your body. They run through your torso, hips and glutes and pretty much hold you up, giving you better balance and agility. All muscles are linked to your core,  so by strengthening these torso muscles, you’ll make it easier for the rest to follow, including your arms and legs.

Crunches, rotational exercises, suspension exercises or leg lifts while hanging from a bar are all great options.  The plank is an awesome choice which you can do anywhere at any time, and works your transverse abdominus. There are a wide variety of planks, but a basic plank in which you work on holding longer and longer during each ab workout is always a quality choice. 


Upper body strength

An effective upper body workout needs to be vigorous. In fact, strength training for gains in general, should make you grunt or curse by repetition #10. If your muscles are shaking when you’re done, you know you’ve done a good job!

Circulating between different muscles groups in your arms is the best way to do this – switch from chest to shoulders to triceps and keep repeating. Push ups, bench press and flies are the ultimate workout for your pecs (chest). Pull-ups and rows make for an amazing back. Shoulders should be worked in all directions moving your arms UP! Dips, tricep extensions and bicep curls, meanwhile are great for your upper arms.  

Don’t forget leg day

There are still a lot of people who neglect their legs. Without muscular legs, you won’t just look out of proportion, but you may find it a strain holding up your upper body.

Squats, lunges, lateral gait with bands, chicken wings, step ups and step downs on a box are ideal. Give box jumps and other plyometric exercises a move to really make your quads and glutes burn.  Deadlifts are also brilliant for your leg muscles when carried out with proper form. Alternating between these exercises will really add to the musculature and definition of your legs. Activities such as cycling meanwhile are also superior choices for your legs, particularly cycling uphill. 

Find exercises for all of these muscle groups by visiting Fitz’s YouTube Playlist, which will literally guide you through amazing short workouts for individual body parts.


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