EventsHolidays Happy 4th of July Americans! Keep the fun to a maximum, and the junk food to a minimum. Happy Independence…Fitz KoehlerJuly 3, 2011
Giveaways Screen Candy Winners Announced Congrats to two very funky ladies, Miss Jacki Donaldson and Miss Stephanie Ritchie! Both of…Fitz KoehlerJuly 3, 2011
Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts “My Trainer Fitness” Exercise at the Office You're busy and you're sick of making excuses about why your arms jiggle and your…Fitz KoehlerJuly 2, 2011
Achieving Ultimate FitznessFavorite Fit Products and Travel Spots Deep Massage your Own Muscles with The Stick I'm in love. Truly, deeply in love. See, as a fitness pro and former athlete…Fitz KoehlerJune 29, 2011
Events Tweetaway with Me and Win Prizes! Tropicana OJ Express Tampa Tweetaway: Entrants must tweet @fitzness and say why they love Tropicana…Fitz KoehlerJune 28, 2011
EventsFamily Fitzness Visit Me @ Glazer Children’s Museum June 28th for Prizes and Fun! Attention Tampa Bay area moms and kids! I’ll be with Tropicana and the OJ Express…Fitz KoehlerJune 27, 2011
Achieving Ultimate FitznessFashion & BeautyVideos Unstoppable in Stilettos If you've ever considered having a big pity party for yourself, think again. Lauren Ruotolo…Fitz KoehlerJune 24, 2011
Fit Food and RecipesHolidays Teriyaki Chicken Kebobs Chicken Kebobs are great served year-round, but what an awesome way to jazz up a…Fitz KoehlerJune 23, 2011
Celebrity True Blood’s Stephen Moyer Needs a Trainer to Avoid becoming “Sloppy” “I’m an English boy. I played a lot of sports growing up, but I never…Fitz KoehlerJune 22, 2011