
Actress Kristen Bell on Vegetarianism, Boyfriend Dax Shepard & her Favorite “Butt Cheek” Exercise

By January 23, 2012October 29th, 2014No Comments
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Kristen Bell is starring in like, 700 movies in the next year, but you probably know her best as the babe from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. She’s starring in a new Showtime drama about boardroom intrigue, House of Lies, this month’s feel-good release Big Miracle, and later this year, Outrun, a film directed by her longtime partner, Dax Shepard. SELF magazine sat down with this busy lady to chat about her healthy lifestyle, favorite workouts, special indulgences and yes … what she says she does to maintain her fabulous “butt cheeks”. So funny. Enjoy some of the highlights here and if you’d like to read the whole darn feature, grab a copy of February’s SELF magazine!.

“I love to cook. I have a tiny Italian grandmother inside me. If someone walks in, I’m like, “Let me make you a sandwich!” We all have a giving-love language and a receiving-love language. I show love by cooking. When people have patience with me, I feel so loved. Dax is extremely patient with me.”

“I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 11, because I couldn’t under- stand why if we didn’t eat the dog I should eat a burger. I love animals, and I stand by my values. So in the morning, I have an apple and, if we have leftover pizza, I scrape the toppings into egg whites. Pizza eggs are better than you can imagine! For lunch, I’ll have a big salad and a veggie burger. I’m a fan of multi-course dinners. Last night, I made Brussels sprouts baked with balsamic vinegar, grapes and walnuts; butternut squash ravioli; and a “garbage disposal” salad, which is everything in the veggie and fruit drawers: lentils, spinach, romaine, blueberries, cucumbers, raspberries, almonds, carrots and avocado. Literally anything. You don’t even need a dressing because there are so many tastes.”

“I’m proud of my patience. I’ve worked really hard to curb my natural impatience by realizing that everyone is doing the best they can. I’m least proud of my ability to be lazy and procrastinate by spending time on my computer or in front of the TV, watching America’s Funniest Home Videos, the greatest show on television. To anybody who pooh-poohs it, I say, “Just give it 30 minutes.”

“I mostly go for hour-long hikes with friends, but sometimes, I’ll do pilates or 20 minutes of calisthenics, like push-ups and sit- ups. I go through spurts. Working out for me has nothing to do with body image—I refuse to look in the mirror and hate myself. My goal isn’t to change my body; it’s to make my body happy.

Here’s the one that packs the most punch. I call it The Bowler: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and bend slightly at the waist, holding a 5-pound weight in your right hand. Squat, then swing your right hand up and left, across your body, and sweep your right foot to the left behind you, as if you’re bowling. Do about eight on each side. It’s amazing for the butt cheeks!

Her boyfriend, actor Dax Sheppard (Idiocracy, Parenthood), is a better biker. “There’s no comparison! I can barely walk in a straight line, let alone move in one when I’m on a vehicle that has wheels. Dax grew up as a dirt biker. He’s always doing tricks that terrify me. Even so, we ride to brunch or dinner or ice cream all the time.”

“Salted chocolate drives me wild. I’m not a big spender, but I do like buying kitchen tools. I’ve ordered all the ways you can cut a strawberry and that ring to cook an egg in a heart shape.”

“I love my therapist. When I have an issue that I need to work through, going to therapy gives me a bigger toolbox to do so. Talking with friends helps, too. I can say crazy things to my friends, things I’m embarrassed to admit, like “I feel so ugly or worthless today.” They say, “What? You’re nuts!” Having good, real friends builds your self-esteem exponentially.”

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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