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Are you getting tired of your same old basic workout routines? Well if you are looking to tone up or bulk up, then drop sets may be something to consider. The whole concept of a drop set involves fatiguing your muscle at a high weight, dropping the weight instantly, and continuing on with that lower weight in order to overload that specific muscle. Usually, you would want to use a machine where you could drop the weight quickly to maintain the concept of a drop set. However, my example involves the use of free weights.

Example: Bicep Curl

  • Do a traditional bicep curl with a weight that allows you to maintain your form and be fatigued after 10 repetitions.
  • As soon as you finish the 10 reps, drop the weight a significant amount and immediately begin doing another set with that weight. Try to lift this new weight  for 10 reps.
  • You should feel a burn that you have never felt before. If you feel like you want an even greater challenge … do multiple drop sets!


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