There is no doubt that planning is the key to effective time management. In our hectic day-to-day lives, it can be hard to feel organized. Having a well-defined plan for your day can help you make the most efficient use of your time and allow you to effectively accomplish the most important things in your life. 

Let’s talk about time management. To some, it comes naturally and to others…well, it may not. When you aren’t time managed, it usually feels like you are losing valuable time in your day to accomplish your goals. Although it may seem like a challenge, increasing time management skills can be rather simple. Here are some basic tips to help individuals plan their days more efficiently! 

  1.     Choose your tools

Before an individual can become successful at time management, they must acquire the right tools to begin the process. Two essential tools consist of a planner and a to-do list. A planner is where you will keep track of appointments, important dates, and activities. Your to-do list is where you will keep track of your daily tasks, errands, and undertakings. Here are some links to some great planners to get you started on your journey:×8-4/dp/B08P6G66R8/ref=sr_1_17_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=daily+planners&qid=1613500623&sr=8-17-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzSFhJOFQwTjNZVTYzJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjkzOTI4Mzk1UDVON0NOUE82RCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzYzODEwMUxES0JLOEw0TDZNTSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

Every individual will have their own preference when choosing the best planner. Do your research…find one that will work for you and purchase it! This is the first and most crucial step! 

Pro tip: Have fun with it! Purchase a planner that is your favorite color or has pretty fonts! Remember, this is a personal process- do what works best for you. 

  1.     Create a Daily Plan 

Many individuals find it helpful to plan out their days the night before. This means creating a to-do list of all of the things that they wish to accomplish the next day. By planning out your day with specific times that each event will occur, individuals will be sure to stay on track and accomplish everything that they need to. Here is an example.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

8:00am- wake up

8:30am- cardio and strength training workout

9:45am- take the kids to school

10:00am- shower, coffee, breakfast


12:45pm- lunch with college

1:30pm- pick kids up from school

2:30pm- child’s doctor appointment

3:30pm- answer work emails 

4:45pm- start to make dinner for the family 

5:30pm- dinner

By planning out your daily tasks with specific times, you will have a visual representation of everything that you need to get done and at what time. Not only will this set you up for success, but it will also ensure that you do not forget to do anything on your to-do list because you will already have it all written out in front of you!

Pro tip: It is important to be realistic when creating a daily plan. If you put too many things on your to-do list, you may not get to everything. This can eventually lead to disappointment or burn-out. Be flexible and be prepared for spur of the moment things you did not plan for. Remember, you always have tomorrow to accomplish what you weren’t able to today! 

  1.     Schedule it in

This is when it becomes time to add things into your planner or your daily to-do list. As soon as you identify something that you need to do- add it in! This will ensure that you do not forget about it and also confirm that you make time for it. Make the important things on your list priorities to accomplish first by highlighting them!

How to make planning fun and enjoyable:

  •     Schedule time each night before bed to make your plan for the next day. This will ensure that you wake up prepared to tackle the day!
  •     Add colors! Color-coat your days, activities and tasks. This will make your planner pleasing to the eye, making you more inclined to abide by it.
  •     Add quotes! Each day add a motivational quote to the top of your daily to-do list. You can look back at this if you begin to fall off track.
  •     Get creative! Once you get the hang of scheduling your basic daily tasks, try to plan other things such as your daily meals or grocery list ahead of time!

So, if you are someone who feels that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that you need to get done, hop on the planning bandwagon! Grab your tools, generate a plan, and start to schedule! It doesn’t seem like much, but these simple tasks will make all of the difference in the grand scheme of things. You will soon realize that you do have enough time in the day to accomplish everything that you need to… it all begins with simple planning. 

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