If feeling good and performing at a high level are on your wish list, getting enough quality sleep should be a top priority. Scientifically supported, seven to nine hours of good quality sleep is the gold standard for active adults. 

One of the best ways to get yourself up in the morning is to get up knowing you have a walk outside to do. Being in nature at that time of the day can really help to get your blood flowing. Rising early and heading off for a walk before you go to work can make a big difference to how you feel about your day. Before you do go off of that walk though, make sure that you have the right attire. Something easy to wear that can keep you flexible and moving well without feeling too hemmed in. You should also check out The Good Feet Store reviews to know which shoes can offer you the best comfort and fit. Sleep is vital, but how you wake up is equally important. Here’s why a good night’s rest helps with recovery:

  1. Muscle Growth and Repair. After a gruesome workout, your muscles are sore, and sleep is essential to recovering! When sleeping, your body secretes a growth hormone that repairs muscle fibers and helps build muscle. 
  2. Immune System Support. The immune system is responsible for preventing and curing sickness. Sleep helps our innate and adaptive immunity and activates our immune system to fight infection and repair wounds.
  3. Mood and Attitude. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” is a science-based saying. Although the side of the bed has nothing to do with mood and behavior, lack of sleep has the chance to increase mood swings, aggression, anger, and irritability. These are easily manageable with the correct amount of good-quality sleep. 


Sleep is truly a fascinating thing and can impact performance in multiple aspects. Getting 7-9 hours has a different meaning when you can see all the important parts it can affect. Staying motivated and progressing in fitness can be much easier when you get a sufficient shut-eye. Make those sweet dreams a reality by prioritizing rest and recovery.

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