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Team in Training: Make Friends, Reach Goals, Raise Money!

By September 22, 2011October 26th, 2014No Comments

Two words: philanthropy and endurance. If these two things are important to you, take a look at Team in Training (TNT), the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s endurance sports training program (the largest one in the world!).

TNT has trained nearly half a million runners, walkers, triathletes, cyclists, and hikers while raising over $1 billion to fund lifesaving cancer research. There are over 200 exciting endurance events to train for, and no-doubt one that meets every person’s needs! Their 4-5 month training options include an in-person program that has sessions with certified coaches all over the United States and an on-line program with the same “virtual” coaches. They even have a flex program that fits your busy schedule with an individualized program and many features you can access on-the-go and whenever you have time.

Whether your goal is to run a marathon or half-marathon, swim, bike, and run a triathlon, complete 100 miles on a bike, or you are out for a hiking adventure, TNT offers option for any endurance goal. While raising money to help the fight against cancer, you can travel to exciting locations for races, make a close-knit group of friends all committed to getting fit, and be paired with an honored patient so you have a real connection and know that your efforts really do make a difference in someone’s life.

By joining Team in Training, you are being provided with talented coaches, mentors, and captains, as well as a web of peers to be your guiding motivation to reach your fitness goals. So what are you waiting for? Head on over to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training website, find the program or information session nearest to you, and start enhancing your own life while saving others.

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