Family FitznessFit Food and Recipes

Delicious Veggie Lasagna and Funky Monkey Fruit Snacks, Yum!

By September 2, 2011October 26th, 2014No Comments

I’ve recently stepped out my normal menu box to try some new things. Some have been amazing and some made me gag. I’m not going to discuss the yucky ones though, cause that’ll just rekindle bad memories. But the good ones? They’re making me smile right now. I truly enjoyed these products and will buy more of them in the future, I suggest you give them a try too!

Michael Angelo’s Vegetable Lasagna: This thing took 17 minutes to cook (I bought the family size) and only one second to shock me. It was DELICIOUS! Tasted better than any veggie lasagna I’ve ever had at a restaurant, and only carried 290 calories (90 from fat).  This meal is a  blend of 7 crisp vegetables, enhanced by flavorful marinara sauce made from vine-ripened tomatoes, fresh garlic, honey and imported Italian olive oil.  Ricotta, mozzarella and Pecorino Romano are added between layers of firm lasagna pasta. Sold at most grocery stores.

Funky Monkey Snacks: I’m always in the mood to give a huge “hooray” to healthy snacks made out of fruit, fruit and nothing but fruit. These yummy treats found in a fun bag (which of course, is important to kids)  has nothing bad added: no added sugar, no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives … the only flavor added to some of the fruits are from organic cinnamon (Applemon™ and Bananamon®). I tried quite a few flavors and I liked them all, my kids did too. Who wouldn’t like flavors like Applemon, Bananamon, JiveALime, MangOJ, Pink Pineapple and Purple Funk? Carry them in your bag for a mid-day snack or shove them in school lunch boxes. Yummy fun for the whole family.

Have you tried any yummy new snacks or meals lately? Share!


Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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