Football season and the accompanying parties and tailgates can make fall the best time of the year. However, if you make alcohol too much of a main event, your weight and overall health are bound to suffer. The key to drinking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is moderation.  Too much consumption can negate most of your efforts with exercise and nutrition and exacerbate health issues.

Lower Calorie Alcoholic Drinks

Spirits with Low-Calorie Mixers: 

Clear spirits such as vodka, tequila, and gin are lower in calories than darker liquors such as whiskey and rum. These spirits can be mixed with low-calorie add-ons such as water, soda water, low-sugar tonic water, and even lime juice to create a lighter flavor.

Light Beer:

Paler ale is an excellent option for those who enjoy the taste and flavor of beer or for someone who would like something alcoholic to sip on while watching their favorite team (Go Gators!) play ball. Light beer offers fewer calories and carbohydrates than darker and heavier beer counterparts.

Cocktails Flavored with Fresh Ingredients:

Fresh fruits like limes, lime juice, or mint have fewer calories than sugary mixers. Using premade, store-bought mixers with high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates is a better option.


Red and white wine have been shown to have many different health benefits when used in moderation. Red wine contains antioxidants such as resveratrol, which is linked to heart health. Choosing a glass of wine over a sugary drink can further aid you in maintaining your healthy lifestyle.

Drinks to Avoid:


No gracias! Margaritas can be high in sugar due to premade mixers or syrups, which will have hidden calories. If you were to drink one of these, it would be best to use homemade ingredients or a low-calorie mixer to remove those extra calories.

Long Island Iced Tea:

LITs combines four different spirits: vodka, tequila, gin, and rum. Cola, sour mix, and triple sec make this cocktail very high in calories and sugar, making it one of the top drinks to avoid.


Often made with fruit and sugar mixers, Sangria provides a poor combination of sugar and calories as the fruit soaks up both. It seems harmless, but it’s not.

Piña Colada:

Made with coconut cream and pineapple juice, Piña Coloadas are very dense in calories and sugar. Although tasty, they are not a wise choice for anyone watching their weight.

Remember, drinking anything in excess is bound to be a problem. Stick to one or two and enjoy the game with a clear-ish mind!


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