Are you getting ready for a trip to the beach? You packed your towel, sunglasses, sunscreen, and beach chairs, but did you familiarize yourself with ocean safety? Something that commonly happens to many people in the ocean is caught in a rip current. One second, you’ll be looking back at your group at the beach, and the next, you might turn around and see you’ve traveled further out into the water than you anticipated. But the good news is, there are ways out of this, aside from the lifeguard coming to your rescue.

What is a Rip Current?

A rip current is a narrow, fast-moving water that can bring you away from the breaking waves on the shoreline toward the ocean in a perpendicular motion. Rip currents can be dangerous because the speed of the current can be rapid, and it can be challenging to swim or get out of. This is dangerous because even if you are a good swimmer, you can be at risk of drowning (Pitman et al., 2019).

How To Get Out?

Instinctively, many people who get caught in the rip current think the best way is to return the way they came in. However, that would be a big no-no. Swimming against the current is only more challenging and dangerous. The best way to swim out of a rip current is by swimming horizontally until you are out of the current, allowing you to swim back to shore. Of course, if you are having trouble, your best bet may be to tread water and raise your arms to signal for help (Pitman et al., 2019).



Pitman, S. J., Gallop, S. L., & Brander, R. W. (2019, March 6). Staying safe on a Surf Beach: What are rip currents? Frontiers for Young Minds.

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