As you may already know, going outside is beneficial for your health. But did you know there’s an actual formula for it that you can follow? Neuroscientist Dr. Rachel Hopman developed a “20-5-3” rule for your time outside. The rule highlights that you should spend at least 20 minutes outside three days a week, and 5 hours each month should be spent in “wilder places” of nature (Easter, 2021). It seems like an absolute minimum for many people, but you’d be surprised by those who rarely take this special time for themselves, if ever. 

How Do You Follow the Rules?

The three days you choose each week should be spent outside in nature. According to Hopman, this method is ineffective if you are continually on your phone (Easter, 2021). So, take the phone off the hook for a little while, and avoid notifications. You should take just 20 minutes to practice mindfulness, take in your surroundings, and enjoy nature. This can be achieved simply by going for a walk, going to the park, or anywhere outdoors! As long as you spend the full duration and stay off your phone, you can experience the benefits. In addition, spending one day each month to dedicate 5 hours outdoors in more “wild” nature is also recommended. An example of this could be going to forested sites, campsites, state parks, lakes, or springs. However, choosing to spend your time in nature is up to your discretion, as long as you follow the 20-5-3 rule.

The Big Benefits

According to Hopman’s studies, when we enter nature, our mind can enter “soft fascination.” Soft fascination takes downtime, so our mind’s focus is utilized less. Using our mental capacity for most of the day can exert energy and affect our mental health. So, following this rule frees minds, decreases stress levels, and ultimately improves mental health. Another way of achieving soft fascination with a similar effect of being in nature is through meditation (Easter, 2021).

Life can become very stressful or overwhelming at times, and it is important to set aside time for yourself to just escape for a little while and allow your mind and body to calm down. The 20-5-3 rule allows for this and has proven to be successful for many. How do you plan to spend your time with nature?



Easter, M. (2021, June 12). The “20-5-3” rule prescribes how much time you should spend outside. The ‘20-5-3’ Rule Prescribes How Much Time You Should Spend Outside.

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