Are you looking for a great way to get a cardio workout in a fun, outdoor and friendly environment? Then pickleball, America’s fastest-growing game (Porterfield, 2022), is perfect for you!

The Basics:

This easy-to-learn, fast-paced game is sweeping the nation due to its ability to appeal to every age group. A short list of rules combined with a small field of play allows pickleball players to easily understand the objective of the game and get right into the action.

Pickleball courts look similar to tennis courts but are much closer to the size of a badminton court, 20 feet in width and 44 feet in length. Unlike tennis, pickleball is played with a hollow ball made of hard plastic. The ball also features holes on its surface, similar to a whiffle ball. The racquets used are also different than those of the tennis variety, as pickleball racquets are traditionally made of carbon fiber, unlike a tennis racquet, whose facing is generally made from polyester strings.

Pickleball games can be played in singles or doubles, with the objective being to get to eleven points first. Serves must be underhand and bounce cross-court before the opponent can hit the ball. Once this is established, a rally can begin. Points can only be won if you or your team is serving and can only be given:

  • if your opponent fails to hit the ball before its second bounce
  • if your opponent hits the ball out of bounds before it hits the ground
  • if your opponent fails to hit the ball over the net
  • if your opponent steps into the kitchen (a rectangular, non-volley zone where the net resides) while making contact with the ball

(“What is Pickleball”, n.d.).

The Benefits and Attraction:

While the court is small, the action is fast-paced and intense. Returns can require lunges and sprints, which can enhance one’s cardiovascular system, helping to prevent problems such as hypertension, stroke, and even heart attacks (Reves & Beck, n.d.).  Along with the benefits of this low-impact aerobic workout are the mental benefits it can provide. Reves and Beck (n.d.) explain that much like all exercise, the release of endorphins is beneficial to one’s self-esteem and can help to combat depression.

With these benefits, along with the simple nature of the game, it can be easy to see why people of all ages are flocking to pickleball courts across the country to compete with friends, family, and colleagues. Since 2020, overall player growth in the United States has increased by almost 40 percent, with the total number of playing climbing to 4.8 million (“2022 Pickleball”, n.d.), allowing those in the community to proudly proclaim that pickleball is indeed America’s number one fastest growing sport.

Get Started:

To find pickleball courts near you, simply type your city into USA Pickleball’s Places 2 Play website, which will provide you with a list of courts in your community. You can access this feature by clicking here. Now, grab your friends, hit the court, and join the millions that are helping to grow pickleball across the United States!



Picture courtesy of Pixabay (nils9three)


Porterfield, C. (2022, September 13). Here’s Why Pickleball—The Fastest-Growing Sport In America—Is Bill Gates’ Favorite Game. Forbes.

Reves, J., & Beck, T. (n.d.). Pickleball: Fastest Growing Sport – Especially for Seniors. MUSC Health.

2022 Pickleball Fact and Media Sheet. (n.d.). USA Pickleball. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from

What is Pickleball? (n.d.). USA Pickleball. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from

Jeremy Taylor

Jeremy Taylor

Jeremy is currently an Undergraduate Student at the University of Florida. His fields of study include Sport Management, Event Management, and Mass Communication Studies.

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