Starting at the young age of three, my life centered around dance. I spent my weeknights surrounded by four studio walls and weekends rehearsing and attending different dance competitions. What I learned as I got older was that dance was so much more than moving to the music. I never realized how much this art form would shape me as a person and simultaneously teach me some of life’s most valuable lessons.

Passion and commitment. If you love something, commit yourself to it. Long hours spent in the dance studio taught me dedication like no other. The more time I spent in the studio, the more opportunities I had to improve and better myself. This became transferable to all other aspects in my life and allowed me to achieve goals I aspired to obtain.

Resiliency and perseverance. I never shy away from challenge but rather embrace it with open arms. Dance taught me that a challenge doesn’t have to be intimidating or a possible opportunity to fail, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. Dancing gave me a greater perspective on all things, and I am fortunate to have grown up learning in a dance studio.

Progress. Lastly, dance taught me that in life it’s not perfection we seek, but instead being the best we can be in all everything we do. Living is about making mistakes and getting outside our comfort zones. If you fall down, get back up. If you need help, ask for it. At the end of the day we are humans and our destiny is to live!


Image by Mart Production from Pexels

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