Being a “shy” and introverted person, going to the gym, especially when you’re just starting out can be really intimidating. Being around gym rats can be intense! It’s important to remember that most people are there working on themselves and not there to judge you. Keep this in mind so you don’t get lost in your own goals.


  • Having a clear plan before entering the gym can help increase focus on your exercises and the tasks at hand.
  • Listening to music can get you in the zone (can also deter people from talking to you).
  • Start out using equipment that you are familiar with, then work your way into developing new skills when you get more comfortable and feel more confident.
  • Bring a good book or your phone/tablet (to watch videos on) – find a piece of cardio equipment like the treadmill or elliptical that’s facing out a window so you don’t have to make eye contact with others.  Cardio ✔️
  • Bring a yoga mat to your own secluded space, you might even be able to hijack an empty classroom for yourself.  Use your space to stretch, strength train, or do cardio. Just face away from the crowds and zone out.

Fitness and health are about pushing yourself to your fullest potential. So don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, progress to more complex exercises, and someday you’ll show those gym rats what you are made of!


Photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels

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