Baths are for kids… NOT! Many grown up’s today feel as though they do not have the time or feel any need to bathe, which is simply untrue. Taking a bath regularly has many benefits on not only your physical health but also your mental, emotional health, and overall wellbeing. So, grab your favorite bubble bath soap and even your rubber duckie and get in the tub for a soak!

1. Warm Baths Help Soothe and Relieve Muscle Soreness.

Sitting in a warm bath will help get your blood circulating and will also help sore and tight muscles relax. Adding Epsom salt to your soak will help decrease inflammation from an intense workout or any other muscle soreness you may be experiencing.

2. Warm Baths Are Super for Your Skin.

Taking a warm bath can help heal irritated or dry skin. Baths can also help hydrate your skin leaving it feeling more moisturized and smooth than before. Bonus!

3. Bathing Helps Improve Emotional and Mental Wellbeing.

Taking a bath gives you the opportunity to relax and decompress. Making time for a bath will help you escape any stressors and focus on yourself. Accompanying a bath with your favorite candle and a soothing playlist will help you unwind and allow your brain to enter relaxation mode.

4. Baths Help You Sleep.

Cooler body temperatures help induce sleep. Getting in a good warm soak before bed will raise our body temperatures so that when we exit our bath we will cool down more rapidly. Bathing will help best prepare you for sleep and alert your body that it’s time to snooze.

Photo by Monstera from Pexels

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