Holiday weight gain is dumb. That’s right, it’s downright foolish. Nobody wants to gain 10 to 20 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, but so many people do whatever it takes to make that happen. Earned weight. Yikes! So instead of being a December Dummie, strap your thinking cap on and follow this simple strategy for success. Want to show up to your New Year’s Eve celebration even BETTER than you were on Turkey Day? Let’s go!

Stick with your caloric budget. Don’t know it? Find it here using the Exact Formula for Weight Loss. This simple formula will tell you exactly how to eat the right amounts of the right foods for the size you’d like to be. No diets, pills, powders, supplements, shakes, or other snake oil are involved. And it’s free. Just read it and stick to your FORMULA daily, no matter what.

Commit to 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily. Usually, I only recommend working out MOST days of the week, but during the holidays … daily makes sense. You’ll be fending off lots of caloric temptations, and it’s wise to store up some extra caloric burn. Exercise will also help you fend off typical holiday stressors, and the mobility will compensate for hours hunched over wrapping presents. Dance, run, cycle, strength train, hit a heavy bag … your choice! Just commit to 30 minutes (or more) and make it happen.

Strategize parties! You should be able to go have fun with friends and family without gorging. Just plan accordingly.

  • Bring a healthy dish you can feel good about enjoying.
  • Stick to your Formula and enjoy what’s offered within your caloric budget.
  • Avoid hanging out at the buffet – instead, go dance, sing karaoke, or socialize somewhere else.
  • Avoid alcohol or limit yourself to just one drink.
  • Eat a healthy meal before or after the party so you won’t be tempted.

Baked Goodies. Okay, baking is fun and festive, but you need to get that crap out of your house ASAP. If you bake ..

  • Have one and give it away.
  • Make healthier or low-calorie versions of your favorites.
  • Enjoy the process and then throw it all away. Seriously, it’s probably a combination of butter, sugar, and lard anyway. No need to feel guilty, just trash that yummy junk that’s no good for anyone!
  • Avoid giving the gift of sweets to people you care about. Think about how much your doctor’s staff has to deal with when all patients drop off cookies, candies, and cake. Or school teachers! These people probably care about their own weight and health, and staring sweet treats in the face all day at work will likely cause them to indulge and pay the consequences. Instead, give a different thoughtful gift like a candle, blanket, jump rope, or gift card.

Jump on the scale once a week. You shouldn’t be neurotic about it, just keep track of your status so you know how you’re doing and whether or not you need to make changes. I have a two-pound window, so if I gain two pounds, I immediately change pace and return to my ideal weight. If you adopt this habit – you’ll never gain five, 10, 30, or 50!

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Holidays are supposed to be about spending quality time with loved ones, making memories, and for many … special religious celebrations. Gorging on nonsense and destroying your health was never a part of the plan. So make a commitment to progress, adopt The Formula, get active and get smart! Love you all.
Happy Holidays.


Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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