Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

Secure Your Medical Privacy and Ensure Proper Billing with HealthLock

By August 26, 2021No Comments

#ad You have a right to privacy! Especially when it comes to your health and medical issues. In America, we actually have laws to protect our privacy too. With Covid and recent concerns around a required vaccine passport, it’s more important than ever to take steps to protect your medical privacy. Your medical choices are no one’s business but your own. And while many people are investing in credit protection and identity theft (great ideas too), the time has come to prioritize our medical records. That’s why I’m recommending HealthLock, of which I’m now a member. In 2020, over 29 million patient records were breached, which is 20 times the number of reported identity thefts. And sadly, 64% of Americans report concern over how the government is using/misusing our medical data. I racked up over one million dollars in medical bills during my breast cancer treatment. Thankfully, I’m insured. But looking back and knowing how often errors are made, there had to be some mistakes that probably weren’t made in my favor. I’m excited to be protected going forward. 

HealthLock helps protect your privacy 24/7 in three ways:

  1. They send a notice to all your doctors letting them know HealthLock is monitoring your medical information 24/7—doctors are required to keep this notice in your file at all times.
  2. They alert you whenever they discover your medical information is being misused or may have been exposed in a breach.
  3. If your health information is misused, they will work on your behalf with doctors and insurance companies to fix the problem

Take Control

Because most doctors, hospitals, and medical services do not list prices on a menu before you accept services, it’s often hard to know if you’re being overcharged. Did you know that up to 80% of medical bills contain errors? Yikes! That’s why 240 million medical insurance claims are rejected annually. It’s a flawed system and that’s why HealthLock proves itself to be so valuable.

Healthcare and health insurance are complicated. HealthLock brings order to the chaos and helps you in three ways:

  1. HealthLock brings all of your family’s medical bills into one place so you can review them at a glance.
  2. HealthLock’s AI technology audits your bills to see if you’ve been overcharged and alerts you so you can keep more of your hard-earned money. To date, HealthLock’s technology has helped people save over $100 million.
  3. With HealthLock’s upgraded service, they help you keep track of all your deductibles so you know exactly how much you’ve spent on medical bills.

HealthLock’s AI technology audits all of your medical bills and alerts you if you’ve been overbilled by your healthcare provider or insurance carrier. For a nominal fee, HealthLock will work on your behalf to get your money back. To date, HealthLock’s technology has helped people save over $100 million.

Right now HealthLock is offering their Essentials product for FREE—no credit card required. Go to now to sign up—and use promo code FITZ to save 15% if you decide to upgrade your membership later. 

Follow HealthLock on social media too!

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Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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