About Fitz Koehler: Fitz Koehler, M.S.E.S.S. is one of the most prominent and compelling fitness experts and race announcers in America. As the voice of the Los Angeles Marathon, Philadelphia Marathon, Big Sur Marathon, DC Wonder Woman Run Series, and more, she brings big structure, energy, and joy to the sport. She’s passionate about guiding others to live better and longer through her company, Fitzness®. She’s appeared on national media outlets and worked with corporations like Disney, Tropicana, Oakley, and Office Depot. Fitz has also inspired millions of kids to get active through her successful school running/walking program, The Morning Mile®. Fitz enjoys water sports, strength training, animals, hugs, sarcasm, and travel. She lives in Gainesville, Florida with her husband and two kids.

In this episode, Jennie and Fitz discuss:

  • The importance of listening to your body, completing self-breast exams, getting your check-ups, and paying attention to red flags.
  • The value of personal accountability.
  • The impact your mood and attitude have on those around you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strive to be supportive and empowering of one another.
  • Always look and move forward. Be worried about yourself, not about what others are doing or thinking.
  • Focus on the bright side of things, make the choice to be positive.
  • Turn on that happy attitude no matter what’s going on around you.


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