Thanks to the growing popularity of the health and wellness industry, the state of our bodies has become a hot topic. Staying fit has become a common aspiration. In fact, in line with a report by Nielsen, younger generations are now more health-conscious than previous generations, and willing to pay a premium to achieve their health and fitness goals.

If there’s one thing that can help you achieve those goals, however, it’s nutrition. Our bodies need fuel to function properly, and the right kind of food will not only make getting fit easier but help you reap the benefits of good health for years to come. In our article on the ‘4 Powerful Protein Sources’, we wrote about why protein is so important, and what foods you can eat to get more of it.


Today, we’ll talk about foods packed with nutrition that you can put into your daily diet for better health and fitness. Below are five superfoods that you should definitely be eating.



It may be surprising to learn that fatty fish are among some of the best foods you can add into your diet. That’s because they’re filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which have a ton of health benefits. These benefits include lowering your blood pressure, promoting heart health, and even alleviating the symptoms of mood disorders like depression.


Salmon is one of the best sources for omega-3, making it a great choice for healthier dieting. If you’re not sure how to prepare it, Taste of Home has a few great recipe recommendations for maximizing flavor and nutrition in your salmon dishes.



When you think of superfoods, you aren’t likely to think of the common wheat plant. After all, we use wheat in pretty much everything, especially in high carb foods like bread. You’d be surprised to know, though, that young, green wheatgrass is packed with nutrients and antioxidants. It can improve your digestion, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and even boost your metabolism.


Wheatgrass is easy enough to grow at home if you’re so inclined, but if you lack space and time you can turn to a convenient alternative like supplements. Brightcore has a wheatgrass supplement that’s available in both powder and capsule form, so you can pick the type that best fits your lifestyle. Mix it into a smoothie or juice or sprinkle it over your dishes, and make the most of what wheatgrass can offer.


Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a popular choice for people who want to lose a little weight. It’s generally lower in fat and sugar content than regular yogurt, and has a tart, tangy taste that can be appealing for a lot of people. However, that’s not the only thing Greek yogurt has going for it. It’s actually a great alternative source of protein, and contains healthy probiotics that keep your gut healthy and happy.


Plus, it’s a fantastic source of calcium, and it can even improve your metabolism and help with muscle growth. Fage Total Plain Greek Yogurt is a versatile option that can be great for smoothies or other dishes. It’s got calcium, probiotics, and protein crammed into one delicious scoop.



A favorite for cheesecake toppings, muffins, or just as a healthy snack, blueberries have a lot going for them. They’re not just low calorie treats— they’re also packed with a ton of health benefits that make it clear why they’re called superfoods.

Healthline lists out ten proven benefits of blueberries, including their incredible antioxidant properties. They can also reduce oxidative damage, making them great protection against aging. Blueberries can even improve brain function and memory, so if ever you needed a snack that does it all, blueberries are it.



One superfood that’s grown in popularity in recent years is quinoa, and it’s not hard to see why. A type of cereal grain that’s packed with fiber, gluten-free, and high protein, it’s pretty much the grain to beat all grains. It’s also got a ton of antioxidants, as well as important nutrients and minerals like manganese, magnesium, zinc, and much more.


Eating quinoa can even help you reduce your blood sugar levels and lose weight, making it an all-rounder superfood. Viva Naturals Royal Quinoa ranks high on the list of best quinoa brands thanks to being organically grown, pre-sifted, and pre-washed— meaning increased convenience and health benefits for you.

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Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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