Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

4 Powerful Protein Sources

By December 10, 2020No Comments

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Protein is your saving grace when you want to shed those extra fats stored inside your body and control your food intake. This is because the amino acids in your protein-rich diet can speed up your metabolism and reduce your appetite by giving you much-needed energy that you can easily access and burn out.

Another reason why protein is essential to your daily diet is that almost 75% of your body mass is made up of protein. It is the building block of nearly every aspect of your muscle building. From creating your muscles, tendons, organs, and skin to the more complex secretion of enzymes, hormones, and various molecules, the protein inside your body makes all of these possible.

So how do you get the protein you need to keep your body healthy, lean, and happy? Look towards these  protein sources.

1. Meat, Meat, Meat

All types of meat are good sources of protein, but some are exceptionally packed with the much-needed supplements for your body. Seafood, for example, is rich in protein and usually is low in fat. Some, like salmon, have a little bit higher fat content but it’s the good fat that’s good for your heart: the Omega 3.

White meats usually come from poultry. Chicken, turkey and more are the many sources of white meat that are both protein-filled and have low concentrations of fat.

2. Dairy and Dairy-Substitute Products

Milk, cheese, and yogurt are some examples of dairy products that are loaded with protein. The downside is that they are not available for people who are lactose intolerant but for those who need a gluten-free protein food source, this is the jam for you. Dairy-free milks, cheeses and yogurts are also great sources of protein, so definitely seek alternatives.

3. Nuts and Beans

Black beans, red beans, garbanzo beans …. pistachio nuts, walnuts and cashews! These excellent sources of protein are filling, provide quality nutrition and are perfect for carnivores and vegans alike! If you do not eat meat, these should be a staple in your days. Keep bags of nuts in your kitchen cabinets and in your car’s glove box for quick and easy snacks on the go.. 

4. Protein powder supplements

You can find these every grocery store and nutrition shop. Always remember to find a low carb protein powder to ensure that your goal of a leaner body mass is achieved. With protein powders, like BioTrust, that are low in carbohydrates, your food intake will be highly regulated since you will almost all the time feel full, and your metabolism is hastened as well. You can easily stir this into your smoothie or shake it up with water or milk.

These are the three major sources of protein you shouldn’t forget in your daily food intake. But keep in mind, a protein-rich diet is not the only solution and your only medium to achieve strong hard curves, you also have to pair this important nutrient with a thoughtful workout routine. If stronger or bigger muscles are on your wishlist combine must-needed protein intake with challenging strength training sessions. 




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