Different people lose weight for a variety of reasons. Some want to change their appearance to increase their self-esteem, while others need to lose weight for health reasons. The process of shedding off pounds can prove to be challenging, and even frustrating, but if you can commit to skipping diets and scammy stuff you’ll be off to a great start! Especially for beginners who are new to the idea. Beginners often jump on a diet fad ..,. Or five. If you choose to skip that nonsense from the get-go, and you’ll be off to a great start! If you are one of the newbies looking for ideas on how you can start losing weight, then read on below.


The first step in losing weight is to decide on your target weight. In this step, think of the reasons why you aim to lose weight. Perhaps it can be to improve the quality of your life. The fitness experts behind UltimateCoreHealth.com state that you will get the most out of your life by optimizing your health and fitness, shedding off your excess weight as necessary. Doing so will allow you to enjoy physical activities without panting or wear clothes that make you feel good. Use these reasons to motivate you.

Have a vision board that would show you what you want to achieve in terms of your body weight because this will remind you to keep going. Also, create a plan for what you need to do to achieve your objective to lose weight. Having a clear and specific target, backed up with a feasible plan will help you reach your goal.

Monitor the Calories of the Food you Consume

Along with a decisive and positive mindset, the next thing that you need to do is to slowly turn your vision into reality by putting your plan into action. Thereby, you need to learn how to eat the right amounts of the right foods for the size you’d like to be using The Exact Formula for Weight Loss. For instance, if you are currently weighing 200 pounds, but your ideal weight should be around 150 pounds, then you need to take the necessary steps to lose the excess 50 pounds. Doing so means that you need to practice an eating habit that suits a 150-pound person, consuming no more than 1500 calories. Check out the formula below:

Your weight x 10 = the calories you need in a day

It follows that if your target weight is 130 pounds, then you need to only consume 1300 calories a day. If you intend to achieve a 230-pound weight, then you need 2300 calories. Keep in mind that you don’t need to deprive yourself however, follow a simple healthier option by choosing the right food intake. For instance, three small bites of chocolate chip cookies have the same amount of calories as a whole bunch of grapes. If you want to feel fuller, go for the grapes, but if you want to satisfy your cravings from time to time, go for the cookies. It is just a matter of perspective as you are counting your calories.

Other Helpful Tips

Remember to establish a game plan and get into the habit of counting your calories, because managing your intake would be the most powerful tool in your weight loss journey. Take one step at a time and once you form it into a habit, try another one of the tips.

  1. Drink water rather than sugary juices or beverages. While you don’t really need to deprive yourself of your favorite drink from time to time, keep in mind that juices are also full of calories. As much as possible, opt to drink water and practice doing so before your meals.
  2. Eat your breakfast, and make sure that it consists of high protein and high fiber foods that can reduce your cravings and caloric intake throughout the day. Eggs, yogurt, nuts, fruits and veggies are great choices!
  3. Transition into eating whole foods that are healthier and more filling compared to processed foods. In line with this, don’t be afraid to eat healthy fats, but make sure you are eating healthy fats such as fats from nuts, avocados or coconut oil-based food products.

Final Word

Losing weight is a process that doesn’t happen overnight. It takes commitment and persistence for you to be able to achieve your target weight. Along with this mindset, make sure that you track your caloric intake and opt for healthier food choices. In parallel, get moving to enhance your metabolism. Rest assured that these things you do will lead you to lose weight and achieve your goal in due time.


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