Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

5 Smart Steps for Reaching Your Fitness Goals

By October 17, 2019No Comments

Getting fit is often one of the hardest things to do in life. Progress can be slow and there is plenty of temptation around for you to fall back into old habits. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible for you to reach new limits with your health and physique.

You can get your health on track by following a few simple steps that can turn into amazing results.

1. Write Goals Down

One of the best ways to reach your fitness goals is to keep track of them. This means you need to write them down somewhere and revisit often. 

Write out big goals that you can work on long-term, as well as smaller goals that can be reached sooner. Then break them down into actionable steps and tasks that you can do daily to help you stay on the right path.

2. Be Clear on Your “Why”

Having a purpose is crucial to success in any category. This is called your “why” and helps to keep you moving forward.

Be clear on why you wanted to reach your fitness goals in the first place and use that as motivation. Make sure that your reason is strong and important enough to help propel you forward when you’re having tough times. Your “why” may range from overcoming something medical to pursuing athletic adventure, to pure vanity. Either way. Just know who you are, know what you want and be clear on how to get to your point B.

3. Track Progress 

It can get discouraging when you’re working hard and feeling like you don’t see any results. However, there are different ways to track progress so try not to get hung up on one method.

For instance, you can write down measurements, keep a note of how many times you drank a sufficient amount of water and track progress with strength training. Even if you don’t make weekly progress in one category, you’ll be able see progress in others. This helps with big picture fitness and will help keep you motivated.

4. Set Up Incentives

Another way to reach your fitness goals is to give yourself incentives. Maybe you want to buy some new jeans or splurge on a Saint Laurent bag you’ve been eyeing. 

Make a deal with yourself about getting a reward only after you’ve conquered a certain achievement. 

5. Find an Accountability Partner

Sometimes it’s hard motivating ourselves every day. A little help from a supportive friend or family member can go a long way. 

Consider finding a trustworthy and reliable accountability partner to have your back and remind you to keep going when you want to quit. 

6. Plan Ahead

You’re more likely to eat fast food or skip the gym when you’re rushing around or letting yourself get really hungry. Staying prepared is the smartest way to ensure you don’t flake on great habits. Hungry and on the go? Thank goodness you through a banana and a bottle of water in your breifcase before you left the house.

Be responsible for you! At the end of the day, you’re not a baby who needs a sitter. Make a game-plan, make preparations to stick to it and follow through. Won’t it be nice to own your successes? 

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