Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

Physical Therapy: How Does It Work?

By October 17, 2019October 23rd, 2019No Comments

It cannot be denied that aging inhibits certain body functions. In the same manner, an unfortunate accident or mishap can result in a similar scenario. As well, being born with certain disabilities can likewise restrict otherwise normal body movements. In all these instances, physical therapy can bring a solution in restoring the body’s abilities as one ages, as one recovers from injury, or even if one is born with a disability.

Physical therapy

Originally intended for athletes, physical therapy previously only focused on preparing the player to release his greatest potential in the field, both intellectually and physically. Physical therapy has been expanded with the aim of bringing back one’s body functions to optimum levels using the principles of physical and exercise science. Physical therapy can help individuals reduce or eliminate pain in general through therapeutic exercises and manual therapy techniques. Treatments such as taping or electrical simulation, as well as ultrasound, can definitely help manage the pain and restore the muscle and joint functions. On the other hand, physical therapy can also be a preventive measure to avoid surgery.

Physical therapy for the elderly

Back pain and rheumatic joints are normally encountered as people age. Physical therapy can greatly help with this condition along with many others that can be attributed to aging. Dean’s Sports Therapy even chose to focus greatly on sciatica or pain running from the lower back to the bottom of your foot. This is apparent in the elderly because of sitting for too long or improper lifting during their younger years. Physical therapy can also manage arthritis and osteoporosis conservatively through gentle but daily exercises and stretches.

Physical therapy for the injured

Stress fractures from distance runners is a common injury attributed to the sport. A physical therapy program can specifically be designed to include appropriate recovery exercises. Athletes recovering from injury may be subjected to a fall risk wherein a physical therapist command exercises that greatly challenge their patient’s balance. If there is a need, exercises to improve coordination will be included in the overall physical therapy program. Additionally, those who are recovering from a stroke can also greatly benefit from physical therapy since it is common for stroke patients to lose a certain degree of locomotive functions. Physical therapy can help strengthen the weakened parts of the body.

Physical therapy for the differently abled

There are instances wherein the locomotive functions of the body are not working at its optimum conditions because of certain disabilities. If a person has trouble standing, walking, or moving, physical therapy can greatly help through the stretching and strengthening exercises that aids in the body’s locomotor skills. Personalized cranes, crutches, or any assistive device can be used in this case. The training program is tailored-fit to the individual under the therapy.

Your typical body functions may no longer be optimal as you age, or even as you recover from an accident or injury. In the same manner, your body functions may be totally different if you are born with certain disabilities. Nevertheless, there are already different programs and therapies that can definitely help and one of these is physical therapy.

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