Achieving Ultimate FitznessFit Food and Recipes

Lengthen your Life with 6 Heart Healthy Eats

By August 1, 2011October 26th, 2014One Comment

Do you hear that sound?  Ba-Dump, Ba-Dump, Ba-Dumb.  It’s one of the most important parts of your body.  I’m talking about your heart.  The average heart beats about 100,000 times a day or over 2.5 billion times in a lifetime.  It beats while you eat, sleep, run, read Fitzness articles, etc.  With all of the work your heart does, isn’t it about time that you showed your appreciation by helping it out?  Add the six foods below to your diet to ensure your heart passes 2.5 billion beats.

Protein: Salmon would be our meat of choice when it comes to quality cardiovascular heath.  Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, it can reduce blood pressure and the risk of blood clots.

Honorable Mention: walnuts, tuna, mackerel, almonds, legumes (chickpeas, black beans and kidney beans)


Grains: When looking for a “heart”-y healthy breakfast, look no further than oatmeal. ‘This super food is high in many nutrients including omega-3’s, magnesium, calcium and fiber.  A key contributor in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and keeping arteries clear, be sure to eat as much of the delicious oats as you can. Warning! Avoid oatmeals with lots of added sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, etc…

Honorable Mention: brown rice, flax seed, whole wheat or whole grain foods

Vegetables: When trying to be heart health, you can never go wrong with pretty much anything green. Experts agree that everything from avocado to zucchini is a smart choice. Whether you’re having a spinach salad with tomatoes or just some sweet potato chips you should be good to go in the heart department.

Fruit: Just like vegetables, many fruits made the list of heart healthy options.  That being said, one variety of fruit came out above the rest.  Berries in their many shapes and forms seem to be the allies of cardiologists everywhere.  Whether they be black-, blue-, ras-, straw- or cran-, they are each bursting with vitamin C, lutein and calcium.  Berries act as anti-inflammatories which help protect against heart disease and cancers.

Honorable Mention: oranges, cantaloupe, papaya, raisins, apples and bananas

Beverages: In a diet, “the best alcohol is no alcohol” as Jessa Hinton said so eloquently in her interview.  However, one of the best beverages out there is red wine.  It has key ingredients that make it perfect for boosting good cholesterol (HDL).

Honorable Mention: soy milk, tea (green and black), water and whole fruit juices

Other: I added this category because this next food doesn’t fit into any other categories and needed some recognition for all it does.  Yes ladies and gentleman I’m talking about olive oil.  Filled with monounsaturated fats, olive oil provides your body with healthy fats and helps lower LDL. Warning! It’s packed with calories, so use it sparingly … or just eat a couple of olives!

Honorable Mentions: dark chocolate, tofu and soy

All in all, there are many foods out there that are good for your heart.  Squeeze in these choices as often you can.  After all, just like a hard worker gets a bonus every once in a while, you’re heart needs rewards and encouragement too.  Help keep it in tip top shape.

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