Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts

Experience Bikram Yoga Bliss and a Great Body like David Beckham and Missy Jones

By July 7, 2011October 26th, 2014One Comment

Missy B. Jones in a Standing Bow Pulling pose.

——This article was contributed by my fabulous friend Missy Barrett Jones who put her chubby younger years aside forever with her passion for Bikram Yoga. She’s quite an expert in the area, so I asked her to write something for you! If you’ve ever wondered what Bikram is about, she offers an amazing testimonial.

My journey into the world of Bikram Yoga happened quite by accident about 5 years ago.  I had been following a daily regimen of running/walking for a couple of years when I injured my foot.  Nothing very serious but I was unable to comfortably wear a running shoe, and I needed to find a physical activity that would get my heart rate up.  After some research, I decided to give Bikram Yoga a try. From the very first class I was hooked and have never looked back.

Bikram Yoga is a complete mind and body workout.  It’s not your average yoga class with gentle music and soft lighting.  If your average Hatha Yoga class is a musical symphony, a Bikram Yoga class is a rock concert. Developed by Bikram Choudhury, the Bikram method of yoga is a 90 minute class consisting of 2 breathing exercises and 26 yoga postures (always done in exactly the same order). Doesn’t sound challenging enough?  Did I mention that the class is done in a room heated to105° Fahrenheit and 40% humidity?

Choudhury Bikram on Missy’s back. Wow!

Each Bikram Yoga class focuses on improving one’s balance, strength, and flexibility all during a 90 minute cardio workout. It’s intense and attracts people from all walks of life from professional athletes such as David Beckham and Kareem Abdul Jabar to homemakers, doctors, and octogenarians. During the course of the 90 minute class, students stretch their bodies, strengthen muscles and connective tissue, and stimulate and compress organs and glands.  The health benefits are too numerous to list individually but countless students have reported relief from depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and arthritis.

After only a few classes, I began experiencing tremendous physical and mental benefits. Initially, I noticed a tremendous increase in energy, muscle tone, and balance as well as the expected weight loss.  All benefits I had received to a much lesser degree while running and walking. After a couple of months of regular practice, however, I experienced unexpected benefits – improved self-esteem, overall concentration and general happiness. I heard the instructors mention the potential for these benefits dozens of times but never paid attention until I experienced the “yoga bliss” myself.  My Type A personality became more manageable. I was now able to let things roll off my back and better prioritize my life. I was more satisfied and content with life.  Even my husband noticed the marked difference.

I still enjoy taking walks, but only for pleasure these days.  Bikram Yoga is my passion, my daily mind/body workout.  In 2008, I attended the rigorous 9 week Bikram Yoga training program and became a certified Bikram Yoga instructor so that I can share this gift with others.  Bikram Yoga is challenging, intense, and exceptionally beneficial to one’s physical and mental health. You don’t have to be flexible or strong to start.  The yoga is about the journey, not the destination. I urge you to try this unique experience at least once.  As Bikram Choudhury says, “What have you got to lose?  You never had anything to begin with!”. To find a certified Bikram Yoga studio in your area visit

If you like to sweat a lot, you’ll love Bikram Yoga.


Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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