If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth without completely blowing your diet, then probiotic frozen yogurt may be just what you’re looking for. This new style of yogurt is quickly becoming popular for its surprising combination of taste and health benefits.
- Nonfat: Unlike traditional ice cream, real frozen yogurt has zero fat.
- Probiotic: Before choosing your store make sure the yogurt includes live and active cultures. These cultures play an important role in your body’s digestive system.
- Lower in sugar: Though real frozen yogurt does contain some sugar, some versions are much lower than alternatives such as ice cream and sherbet. Be sure to read nutrition labels!
- Natural Ingredients: Many frozen yogurt stores keep health in mind by using all natural organic ingredients in their products.
Many frozen yogurt places are self-serve, so it is important to remember that just because real yogurt is a healthier alternative doesn’t mean you can over indulge. Real yogurt still contains sugar and too much can be a bad thing, so use good judgment when portioning – especially when choosing your toppings. Don’t load your dessert with candy bars and hot fudge, stick to using fruits and nuts instead!
Many businesses have been started to feed the fast growing demand for this delicious and nutritious treat. Throw away the ice cream and cookies and give your mind and body a treat. To give it a try look online to find a store near you.
What are some of the best places in Gainesville?
There are several places in Gainesville which offer this type of probiotic yogurt. Though I have not had the chance to try them all two of my favorites are Mochi and Red Mango. Red Mango is said to use all natural ingredients and apparently mochi does not. That said they both taste amazing and are much healthier alternative to traditional ice cream.