Fashion & BeautyGiveaways

5 Lucky Winners Chosen in BL Body Outfit Giveaway

By November 2, 2010October 26th, 2014No Comments

Congrats to the five fancy women who won the super-fantastic BL Body Giveway! Each of the following ladies will receive a pair of pants, a top and a jacket of their choice from the new “Biggest Loser” line of apparel. I’m excited for you all! Thanks to every last one of our entrants, and keep coming back to for more fitness focused giveaways!


  1. Pat Nicol, who loves to do P90X yoga in her living room.
  2. Amy of, who runs as much as her hips and knees will allow.
  3. Amy Barry, who runs with her iPod for fitness and free time from five kids. Wow!
  4. Joanna, who enjoys both treadmill running and Zumba.
  5. Susan Regalado, who keeps arthritis at bay by dog walking, swimming and 60 minute yoga workouts.

The BL Body line is gorgeous. Send some pics of wearing your new duds to us at and we’ll show them off!

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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