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Every year, we run into troubles when it comes to keeping our New Year’s Resolutions. We begin the year with hopes of change but by the end of January, our goals seem like a thing of the past. You don’t need a flip of the calendar to start making positive changes. Use these steps while making your resolutions for the best results.

Be Realistic Make sure that your goal is attainable, especially when it comes to the time frame of your goals. It is foolish to assume that results are going to come fast and easy. Set small goals which will lead you to the eventual accomplishment of your major goals, you can always add-on when outcomes are in sight. For example, if you wanted to lose 10 pounds, set a stepping stone of 2 pounds every 2 weeks. These small milestones are an easy way to keep your resolution without feeling overwhelmed. 

Set a Schedule Set a time of day to complete your workouts, when to eat your meals and when to go to sleep. As you create a regimen for yourself, hold yourself accountable to comply with it. The more acquainted you are with a schedule, the less you are willing to break it.

Be Present Focus on the process, and not only the end-goal. Think about what you have to accomplish today, rather than where you want to be in the future. It isn’t reasonable to think that you are going to see end-results in one day. If you take things one day at a time, you will eventually get where you want to go.

Involve a Buddy Having a workout buddy could be all you need to stay motivated. Workout partners keep you honest and are there to make sure you stick to your schedule. Find someone who has similar goals, and help each other enforce your game plans.

Embrace the Struggle This process is not going to be easy, but the struggle is what makes you stronger. Accomplishing greatness is supposed to be hard! You set these goals for reason, so go out there and achieve them.

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