Success Stories

Mike May: This Is Why I Run, Swim, Do Triathlons, Play Tennis, Basketball, Touch Rugby and Golf

By May 21, 2013October 29th, 2014No Comments

Mike May (in the middle) helping others test out elliptical machines.

Mike May, age 51 , Wellington, Florida. Publicist/Communications Specialist in the sports & fitness industry

What inpsires you participate in so many activities? I am passionate about sports and physical activity.

Do you compete in any of these activities? I compete in every activity that I play. I am either competing against the clock, my previous best performances, or against opponents.

Have you lost any weight doing it? By being active, my weight stays in the area of 195 pounds.

Most challenging aspect you face: Being mentally focused throughout an activity is the most challenging aspect. When I am mentally focused, I perform well during the athletic experience.

Most fun aspect of it all: I love to run, jump, twist, turn, and perspire. I love the feeling of perspiration on my forehead.

Most rewarding aspect: The sheer joy of being active is the most rewarding aspect of any activity in which I engage.

Who/what inspires you when you’re feeling weak? When I am feeling weak, the knowledge that I am alive, healthy, and not disabled is enough of an inspiration for me.

Advice for others who’d like to get started: Pursue an athletic activity that gives you fun, joy, pleasure, and puts a smile on your face. At the end of the athletic experience, and should create an interest in going back again and again and again.

Your must-have equipment for this activity: Tennis (a racquet and balls); golf (golf clubs, golf balls, and a bag); running (running shoes); basketball (a basketball and some good, quality basketball shoes); etc.

Favorite training song: I don’t have one and I don’t need one.

Favorite healthy food: Banana and blueberries

Favorite not-so-healthy food: Brownies and chocolate chip cookies

Funniest /weirdest/most awkward experience doing your activity: Having the soul of my golf shoe become detached during a round of golf with business associates.

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