Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts

5 Unspoken Rules for a Successful Pick-Up Basketball Game

By February 2, 2013October 29th, 2014No Comments


Pick-up basketball is a killer way to combine both fun and exercise.  If you have six or less people you play half-court, and if you have six or more people you play full-court.  Typical games go to 15 and you must win by two points.  Shots inside the 3-point arc are counted as one point, and shots made outside the 3-point arc are counted as 2 points.  Once you’re familiar with the basic rules of play, keep these other “rules” in mind when trying to enter a pick-up basketball game:

When You Lose, You are Out! Pick-up basketball games are typically between two teams that are comprised of random people looking to join a game.  The team that wins usually stays on the court while the team that loses has to wait to play again.  A major pet peeve of people trying to get on the court, is when a player on the team that loses stays on the court while there are other players waiting to play.  If you are waiting to play in the next game, simply go up to a player playing in the game and tell them that you have “downs” on the next game.

Respect the Call. It is inevitable that there will be some questionable calls made on you if you play in pick-up basketball games.  You may get a clean block, but the opposing payer may call a foul on you.  If this happens, just respect the call and throw them the ball.  Pick-up games are meant to be fun and when people take it too seriously it drains the fun right out of it.

Keep the Trash Talk Friendly. During pick-up games, emotions can run high.  Trash talk is a great way to escalate the situation to unwanted levels.  Talking trash seems to have a snowball effect which can ultimately lead to fights in the gym – most of the time over little things.  Do everyone a favor and play with your skills rather than with your mouth!

Know the Rules. Knowing the rules is pretty critical when entering a pick-up game.  Calling something incorrectly can be very embarrassing at times.  Reading up on the rules if you are unfamiliar with them can be a great way to build confidence walking no to a court!

Keep Your Clothes On! Nobody likes playing with a person who isn’t wearing a shirt.  Basketball is a very hands-on sport and you can be assured that nobody wants to rub their hands, face or body up against your bare sweaty chest.  To make the game better for everyone involved, do everyone a favor and keep your clothes on.  Click HERE for a clever way to make your own headband!

If you abide by this advice, pick-up basketball will not only serve as an incredible workout, it may also prove to be a fantastic way to network and meet new friends.

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