Obesity is on the rise today more than ever. It’s scary, especially since children make up a huge portion of people who are obese. The wild thing about this epidemic, is that it’s totally preventable. Sure – the PLAGUE was hard to get rid of, but obesity and all the negative side effects that go with it can be CURED with a simple process of eating wisely and moving your body on a regular basis. Many people blame lack of time each day to be physically active, but the real problem is usually an unwillingness to MAKE time. That doesn’t mean we all have to go crazy and exercise every single day for hours on end. Just thirty minutes a few times a week would accomplish a whole heck of a lot. The of benefits of regular exercise are clear, as well are the many risks to lack of exercise. According to bbc.co.uk, these are some of the risks of not exercising:
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- High Blood Pressure
- Breathlessness
- Little Energy
- Stiff Joints
- Osteoporosis
- Poor Posture
- Obesity
Heart Disease and obesity are probably two of the main risks that correlate with a lack of physical activity. On the other end of the spectrum, according to Net Doctor, the benefits of regular exercise are potent as well.
- Lowers blood pressure
- Increases good HDL cholesterol
- May reduce levels of bad HDL cholesterol
- Improves circulation by preventing blood clots
- Increases fat loss
- Helps weight-loss
- Builds muscle mass
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/sci_tech/features/health/healthyliving/exerciserisk.shtml
- http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/hearthealth/exercise.htm
How many days a week do you exercise?
What is your favorite way to get active?