Americans love coffee. In fact, the average American consumes 416 cups of Joe each year, and Starbucks couldn’t be happier. Did you know that coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and strokes? Additionally, a recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine showed that adults who drink coffee decrease their chance of death by 10%. That’s good news for everyone out there, myself included, who can’t do anything in the morning without that first cup of coffee.
We love hearing about the numerous studies illustrating the health benefits of coffee. Unfortunately, there are studies which report that there are some negative health affects associated with coffee consumption as well. Not from the actual coffee, but rather from the other detrimental habits associated with it. Coffee drinkers are more likely to smoke, drink, and consume more red meat. They are also less likely to exercise and consume less fresh produce.
Essentially this states that, coffee is healthy but coffee drinkers aren’t. This doesn’t mean that you have to reconsider your coffee habit, but it is a red flag to ensure you’re not neglecting the other aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Lastly, coffee is one thing. The new trend in creamy, dessert coffee beverages is another. Do not confuse the two. The latter, is definitely a DON’T when it comes to having a healthy body.