Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

5 Steps to Pain Free Gardening

By May 7, 2012October 29th, 2014No Comments

As gardeners plant flowers and fresh vegetables this summer and spring, they can create wonderful outdoor spaces as well as contribute to their health. Gardening is a great form of activity for all ages and can burn up to 250 calories per hour. Plus, it’s a terrific brain workout that keeps minds sharp and young! In order to make the most of gardening this season, and stay injury- free, the ultimate source and premier social website for today’s grandparents, offers five ways to keep you pain free while gardening from Dr. Paul Christo, a Baltimore-based Anesthesiologist.

1) REMEMBER TO STRETCH. That goes for before and after you garden. “Skipping this step is the most common mistake patients make,” says Dr. Christo. Stretching gets the blood traveling through your limbs, minimizing stiffness and helping ensure you won’t pull a muscle.

2) CHANGE POSITIONS OFTEN. Changing position every 15 minutes or so ensures that you’re working a wide range of muscle groups, and also helps you avoid stiffness.

3) TAKE FREQUENT BREAKS. Just like with stretching, people often bypass this step, but don’t. Pacing yourself keeps pain from building up. If you feel a twinge, take a quick break — sip some water and do a little stretching — every 20 minutes.

4) USE TOOLS WISELY. If you’re older, or have a condition such as arthritis, invest in some long-handled tools to make the work less of a strain. Remember, the goal is to keep your back perpendicular to the ground as much as possible, in order to minimize stress on the spine. If you’re kneeling, get a special pad to cushion your knees.

5) SOOTHE THE ACHES. If you overdo it in spite of your best efforts, take a warm bath with Epsom salts, or use an over-the-counter remedy to temper the pain. While anti-inflammatories can be helpful, Dr. Christo actually recommends his patients first try a topical agent, like Aspercreme, which allows you to target pain relief specifically where you need it and is easy on the stomach. Other gardeners swear by pain relieving ointments like Ben-Gay or Tiger Balm.

One more surprising benefit to gardening: “It’s a great brain work out,” says Dr. Christo. “Critical and creative thinking are both important in gardening, so the entire experience can benefit your brain, meaning it may actually help stave off diseases like Alzheimer’s.”

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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